Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dinner made up for it...

I made Mediterranean Fusion tonight. Israeli-Ethiopian-Greek-Tunisian. Berbere butter braised shrimp on a bed of Israeli couscous with baby garbanzos and red quinoa , fresh mini-pita crisps and a Greek goat cheese and garbanzo, tomato and mixed greens with cilantro salad in an avocado pesto. Not too shabby for a guy that nearly got murdered by an over-zealous hungry cat this morning.

I still look like shit. But, my tummy is pleased!

Hungry Cat + Concrete Stairs = ???

I swear to effing eff that the gods have issued a flippin' friggin' bounty on my head!! I was running late this morning, so naturally, I wasn't paying much attention in my rush out the door, to the screaming-hungry alley cat (Cat, or Kitty, she's a fat sweetie-puss that lives under our stairs) at my feet. So stupid! Don't ignore a cat with purpose, they exact revenge swiftly for being ignored! Today that revenge came in the form of a terrible tumble down a flight of cement stairs and a whack on the head on my way down (ALL THE WAY) into a very unfriendly wrought-iron railing. I look like I got hit by a motherhumping bus.

The experience is actually very blank. One moment she was meowing at my feet and I was attempting to dart around her, and then...crashing/sickening thuds and thunks, blood, pain and meowing in my face as I lay on my side at the base of the stairs wondering how I got there and, realizing what happened, how I survived the 14 feet or so fall. I just don't remember anything except for suddenly being really confused and in a world of hurt. I skipped my first class and spent the extra 2 hours trying to stop the blood from coming out of my head, hands, arms, knee and ankle. I look unbelievably horrifying. I'm willing to bet small children would burst into tears at the mere sight of me...at a distance, even.

Life is swell(ing)!!

Anyway. This isn't a downer post. I'm OK, and thoroughly ripped on my back-up ibuprofen, Flexeril and morphine supply. This is a cautionary tale (unfortunately autobiographical)!!! Ignore a hungry homeless cat and suffer the wrath of the universe!!!!

Take care and be alert!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Our party is shrinking rapidly because everyone is totally lame! I love them all anyway. More chili and beer and xanax for the rest of us...LOL.

Haven't posted in a bit. Life is great. Good friends, great kittens, nice place with plenty of privacy so we can strut around naked and do-it in any room we want without worrying about a roommate coming home unexpectedly.

I'm currently looking for a neurologist and a chronic pain doc in Portland. If ANYONE knows how to help me get started/knows someone, let me know, please. I have NO IDEA where to start!!


- Kel