Yeah, I'm a loser. I've been lost in the land of Facebook. Also, I'm a full-time student and have had way too much on my plate this summer. Sue me. Not like anyone reads this anyway!! Thought I'd share a mug of myself...Mr. Teddybear. Josh and I just got back from an OSA (Oregon Student Association) retreat. HARDCORE!! Josh is on the OSERA board, they help influence policy in the legislature for students equal rights. Anyway, it was 3 days of intense board meetings and many other non-retreat like events. There was really no rest, 14 hours of sitting, followed by nightly drunken (presumably, we only attended one for a few minutes) bonfires on the beach in Newport, OR. BEAUTIFUL, BTW.
Pics are Josh (on the left in the upper pic) and myself...also I didn't realize that James' butt was captured just to the upper right of my head, it's a good butt, I'm sure he would be pleased....lol)