Yeah. I'm a total flake for this whole blogging thing. My life gets in the way! Seriously, time is so precious, that I scarcely even check my email anymore. I'm so tired!!
Things are going great and horrible at the same time. Mostly, I'm going w/ good though. Life is what you make it. I had a real eye opener a little over a month ago.
I've been diagnosed with MS. It took a few years of poking, prodding, scanning, following fingers around without moving my head, vision It seemed like it was never going to end, but eventually everything else was ruled out, and the little lesions on my brain were enough confirmation for my primary doctor and my team of neurologists to move forward with the diagnosis. I had kinda known for a little while that that was where things seemed to be headed. My doctor had given me sufficient information and reassurances that it was not going to be the end of the world...and it totally isn't. I feel a little relieved, actually! At least now we have a course of action that can be taken to treat the weird symptoms of this very strange disease. I've been taking anti-convulsants to help with the daily barrage of seizures I was having (not the kind that knock you to the floor, but more like a numbing feeling and electrical zapping sensation that made my vision go all crazy for a second), they also help with the nerve pain and with sleep at night (zappy feeling was keeping me up). So things are good! I'm under awesome care, and all of the strange medical bullshit is mostly explained now, so I don't have to live in...not exactly fear, but maybe a little bit of dread?? It's hard not knowing. That's all.
Anyway! I'm still alive, and I want to try to blog a little more about our adventures! We just made a trip out to Central Oregon and picked a ton of delicious morels! It was a great camping trip with our good friends. Can't ask for anything more! I had a great time. Watched everyone get completely shitfaced drunk. I sipped mine over the course of the night...I'm supposed to take it easy on substances, but I had a warm-fuzzy, which was enough to make me laugh at all their crazy drunk behavior! We all went barefoot around the camp fire, which was so awesome after a day of climbing very steep slopes to find the hemlock falls that the mushrooms love so much. I mean STEEP!!! My butt still hurts from that workout, but it's never been more firm and perky!! ROFL.
Anyway, guys....hope someone reads and is entertained. Much love!
- Kel
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Friday, November 19, 2010
ME, Mushrooms and a New Job and Stuff!
Also! Not only am I a full-time student studying English, and Linguistic Anthropology with a minor in German, but I just got a pretty cool new job that is going to change Joshie's and my lives. It isn't glamorous, but I landed a good paying position at a a good company, doing high-tech work. Mostly administering networks for a bunch of huge multi-national corporations. Behind the scenes work, just like I prefer, so I'm not working with the stupid fickle public! LOL. The money is decent, but beyond that the benefits are fucking killer. Full medical/Dental/Vision + a Tri-Met subsidy for my monthly transit (Subway/Lightrail/Bus/Trolley and Streetcar) pass AND a bike buying program where they match you dollar for dollar in a pre-tax account so you can purchase the bicycle of your dreams (Portland being the #1 bicycling city in the country for over 10 years now, in addition to being the greenest city, the friendliest city, the best street vendors in the country, the most vegan city and so on and so forth, LOL) for half the price and without having to pay such a huge amount of your salary out in taxes first. Today was day 2 and I really enjoy it. Two of my friends already worked there (A&P, the couple we always go mushroom hunting with and also on several berry picking and camping and hiking excursions with, as well), so we all carpool, which is really super-great, and I have people to lunch with, aside from my immediate team of geeks (cool geeks).
Life is mostly good right now, despite all of our recent stress (I had a nervous breakdown a few weeks ago and checked myself into the loony-bin...I'm on Ativan now for anxiety, but aside from that, they told me I'm not nearly as crazy as I was afraid I was), plus Josh's rigorous university schedule, because of his senate position, all of his crusades (right now we are working on identifying services that are needed in order to serve a growing homeless college/university student population, which after doing some research, we are finding that it is slightly higher than the national average of 1% of the US population. Since his studies are in the area of community development and civic leadership AND he is a business major, we are looking to start a non-profit within the next 7 years to bridge the gap between schooling and other homeless youth services and those needed by the young adult/college/university student population that is also experiencing homelesness)have kept us very busy and apart more than I like.. I strongly encourage all of you to find some way to contribute to a WORTHY organization in your area that provides EDUCATIONAL and RECREATIONAL or ART services to homeless youth. Education is the key to solving the problem in our country. Sending your dollar overseas does nothing to support the few million kids that live on the streets of the US. Kids that largely identify as gay, lesbian, trans, bi, queer and other sexual or gender minorities. The statistic for these youth is that over 60% (it's nearly 70%, actually) will NEVER MAKE IT OFF THE STREET to live productive, drug-free lives, without an educational program in place to support, nurture and expand their horizons. Josh and I volunteer at a local homeless youth school called p:ear (YES THAT IS A LINK, CHECK IT OUT!).
Joshie was a homeless teenager, into massive amounts of drugs (meth, heroin, cocaine...anything to kill the pain), he was a thief (a "legitimate" way to survive on the streets when your parent(s) disown you, and tell you that they hope you die painfully of AIDS when you tell them you are gay at the age of 13. This happens hundreds of times a day in the United States) and he was good at it. Because of p:ear, and the services they provide, he was able to graduate from high-school while living on the streets of Portland. He was able to attend cultural events like the ballet, the Oregon Symphony, opera, Broadway plays, as well as participate in art programs (p:ear runs a gallery that participates in Portland's First Thursday, one of the hottest monthly celebrations of art in the country). By the time I met Josh (although, looking back, I can remember seeing him on the streets of Portland; this is a big city, but it is a very close, big city) him and I had both fallen flat on our butts (I went from making a VERY large amount of money, to being unemployed and essentially homeless in a matter of months in the early 2000's) and were staying. temporarily, with our parents...both in Eastern Washington *shudder* (Read: Dry, brown HELL). There was something about Josh that was magic, though. There still is. He is stubborn and pigheaded, he is loud and mean and can be crude and/or crass (I'm often afraid of what he might say in a public situation, whether it be among friends or complete strangers)...but Josh has this energy surrounding him that just sucks you to him as if he were an electromagnet. Josh may be all of these scary things I've mentioned, but he also has one of the biggest hearts I have ever encountered and I am grateful for every second that I get to spend with him. Josh is a born leader and I believe with all my heart that he is going to change the world. He's changed mine, for sure.
When I walk down the street and see the nasty-dirty kids sitting on the street, asking for a couple cents for bus fare, for a beer, for their drugs (I appreciate their honesty, at least) or for the small fee they have to pay for a warm bed that night and a crappy meal at the mission or wherever, I don't look away in disgust and utter some mean comment about them "getting a job" (You try finding a job WITH an education and good references. Not easy in the current economy!! Now think about having had your parents throw you out of the house because your mom was a crackwhore or your dad's new girlfriend simply hated you for existing and he followed his dick instead of caring for his child, and you are now doing the only thing you know to survive.) I give them a couple bus tickets, I buy them a 99-cent sandwich at the closest fast-food joint, or I give them a couple bux so they can fix themselves in the closest public restroom....but I ALWAYS give them the information to a local non-profit that can help them. I've been pleasantly surprised to see them take advantage of the services, and even more pleased to see them take it further, and really get into the program and do something with and for themselves. I'd like to think that I'm helping to whittle down that 60+% statistic.
Josh's goal is to bridge the gap. Get those homeless youth more than a diploma (which, let's face todays world, you really need a more advanced education to get a leg-up). He (WE) wants to get them into college, get them into a 4-year university and prove that you can go from nothing, to something...just like he has (although, I'd argue that Josh was NEVER nothing, he just needed the tools). 10 years ago he was in prison for one of his countless petty crimes that were essential to survival. Today he is my best friend, my husband. But more than that, he is a leader and a pioneer, and together....well. Just keep looking for us on the cover of Time, Newsweek and eventually maybe even Forbes. As it is we are getting local media attention, and before long, I feel like this is going to turn into something bigger than either of us imagined.
All of this cuz I wanted to tell you about my new job. you know.
What have you been doing lately?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Yes, Please!

Uhhhhh....I totally want some of that! In quantity!!
I have been neglecting this blog, as I have been with many things that involve getting online. I only check my email lately because I have to in order to stay in touch with family and friends, and I use Facebook a tiny bit for the same reason, although, admittedly, my FB is where I have posted hundreds of pics of me, Joshie, the boys (our cats), our friends and all the major goings-on over the Summer. School has been crushingly insane, as has home life. I want to do a couple good posts on here, detailing my Summertime Adventures (of which there are many!), but I'm not really sure if anyone bothers reading anymore??
Anyway. This dude is totally hot and I wanna do him. He can tie me up, too, if it means we get to spend some quality time together!! LOL!
Oh! I just discovered where this picture came from and want to give them due credit. Funny, I just randomly came across this photo this morning, thought he was hot, saved it for sharing, and then just now see it on a blog I follow called ISLAND. Here is the link that y'all should check out. SO MANY STUNNING, BEAUTIFUL MEN!!!
Oh, and while I'm on here, I may as well declare to the world (again) that I do have the most awesome husband a man could hope for. He's good-looking, fun and great is that!?
Friday, July 2, 2010
...Check out Kele's new solo album. Lovely stuff, I'm tellin' ya!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Hotties in awesome underwear...
Hay there my fellow bloggers and my dear readers (all three of you...LOL!! Luv Ya!). I need your help with a school project that Joshie is doing for his statistics class. It's a simple, very short survey that should take you no more than 2 minutes to complete, is completely anonymous, and is very, very important to both of us!! Josh is a 4.0 student, the top of his class, and is about to start attending Portland State Universities School of Business. Help him keep his 4.0 and graduate with honors! Here's the link:
Leave me a comment when you've completed the survey and I'll enter you into a random drawing for a picture of my designer underwear collection! ;oP HAHAHAHA!!!!!
- Kelsey and Josh
It's a survey asking your opinions on homeless college students vs. "regular" students...and seriously, it will only take a minute to finish.Leave me a comment when you've completed the survey and I'll enter you into a random drawing for a picture of my designer underwear collection! ;oP HAHAHAHA!!!!!
- Kelsey and Josh
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Been Painting + GREAT news about ME!!
The lower shots are in the living room (and showcase Joshies rump...hehe), and show our bold, deep - yet, bright cobalt accent wall. I LOVE it. The whole place has been this yucky, boring off-white color, so we've been itching to get some color up on these walls since we moved into the place back in January. Anyway, that deep blue really changes the way the whole room feels, and it really makes the big screen TV pop out. We painted the hall that runs from the living room to our bedroom, bathroom and the office a lovely latte, and I plan on extending that out to our entry hall also, it compliments both of the blues incredibly well. Next is the bathroom! We are going to prime the walls on Friday and start painting on Saturday morning! We're doing a super-pale grey-blue and rich ties in well with our rainy blue, seafoam green, creamy espresso and porter with brushed chrome hardware scheme. When it's all done I think that we're going to have a very warm feeling home that is completely our style. I'm overjoyed, really. It's the first time in a long time that everything has been our choices alone. No housemates to consider.
So, in other news: As anybody who reads my silly blog knows, I have been having a really terrible time when it comes to all things medical...from my surprise emergency surgery in October with all of the crazy complications afterward; the permanent nerve damage, and the series of infections I've had since...all THAT crap. I've had to pay for all of this out-of-pocket, because I am a full-time college student and don't work, so have no insurance. The financial burden alone has been tremendous...over six figures, people! I has just been crushing the life out of me and probably making me even more sick. Having to worry about that burden every minute of every day has really taken a toll on my poor brain and body.
I didn't even realize just how much pent-up emotion/stress I was under until today when I got a call from the wellness center at the college I attend, and was informed that I have been accepted into their coverage program. It's available to minorities (being gay counts!) who are 1st generation college students and have a demonstrated need for health insurance and medical assistance. As of Tuesday, I will have FULL medical/dental and optical insurance coverage for free. It will follow me to whichever university I transfer to (Portland State, Fall 2011) and will stay with me for as long as I am a student in the state of Oregon. When I hung up the phone, I immediately burst into tears, which then progressed to me curled up on my bed bawling my friggin' head-off for a good 30 minutes or so...and I don't mean peacefully sobbing into my pillow...I'm talking the whole shebang: Shaking, wailing, snot was totally not pretty, but there was just no stopping it! That little 2-minute phone call took this incredible burden that Josh and I have been feeling for about a year now and just made it go fuss...just gone! I was just so relieved and happy that all I could do was cry hysterically. In the picture above where I'm smiling for the camera with my Papa Bear hat on, you can still see how puffy my face is from all the tears. Pure emotional catharsis. I feel like I can start living again.
I also learned yesterday from my writing professor that I get to write my thesis on Organic Horticultural Practices and Environmental Sustainability...ROCK!! It's a chance for me to marry my favorite disciplines; modern language and gardening. AND - In my linguistics/cultural anthropology course, I get to present a piece on homosexuality in modern culture!!
Damn this has been a good week.
Monday, March 29, 2010
1st day of Spring term...canceled! Our campus is flooded because we got several inches of rain today. The main electrical room is under water. I guess I'll just have to play all these new games I bought for my PS3 today and drink beer or something. Darn!
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